Heavy-duty vehicles are strong. It’s time to make them smart too

Edge intelligence creates a safer and more performant environment for heavy-duty vehicles and reduces pressure on operators.

The heavy-duty vehicle industry 
is facing challenges

Revolutionizing the heavy-duty 
vehicle market with Blox_V


Collision avoidance

Maintaining safety is a top priority in the buzzing world of transport and logistics. With a constant flow of goods, vehicles, and people, it's imperative to maintain a secure environment.


Increase autonomy

Giving autonomy to heavy-duty vehicles answers the challenging conditions they often operate in.


Driver assistance

Driver assistance systems encompass various functionalities to enhance safety and efficiency.

Blox_V makes
your vehicles smart

Discover our modular and flexible hardware and software platform, which solve the heavy vehicle industry’s needs.

Product Overview

Looking for another solution?

We can create a customized solution that takes your requirements into account.


The modular solution that can evolve with your application.

Endless configuration options

16 GPUS to choose from

Integrated 7" touchscreen

Custom device

Leverage our expertise to create a device that is tailored to your needs.

Custom modules

Custom board

Adapted to your functional and non-functional requirements

Why clients choose AI-Blox


Trusted by industry leaders

Industry leaders rely on AI-Blox for groundbreaking edge AI solutions.


The most accurate way to detect intruders

Secury 360  (BE) developed a visionary alarm system that significantly increases accuracy, and comes with an innovative app to manage cameras & alerts. AI-Blox developed a custom device with integrated hard drive.


An upgraded tech stack to manage wastle

Visy (DE) is a German AI company active in waste management. As they are confronted with various types of legacy systems in waste collection trucks, they needed a modular system to retrofit their technology.


A future-proof AI powerhouse

Rematics (BE) is active in real-time waste collection analysis and we developed an AI powerhouse for their solution, running on AGX Orin.

ABD Solutions

Innovative solutions for the mining industry

ABD Solutions provides a full solution to turn existing mining vehicles into driverless & fully autonmous vehicles


Contact us

Stop talking, start building! Let's connect and discuss how AI-Blox can accelerate your application.